Creative Start-Up Academy

How a morning routine can help you to stay motivated throughout your start-up journey

I always mention it, but I want to say it again: Starting your own business is not easy. To be able to go through it and be constantly motivated requires a lot of skills and patience. Having a morning routine can really help you to start the day in the right mood. It gives you a structure and sense of achievement before you even started your working day. It helps to inspire you, makes you more creative and put things into different perspectives

Here is what I include in my current morning routine:


You don’t always have to read a lot in the morning but I include some reading in the morning. One of the things I always include is a quote from my book ‘Breakfast for the mind – 365 quotes for entrepreneurs’. The quotes give me something to think about – even if it is just for a few minutes.


Even just five minutes of stretching or exercise in the morning really helps you to feel energised. I have compiled a list of my favourite ones and have added them to the Creative Startup Academy Online Community.


For me meditation is key. Not just to start the day but also in between and/or in the evening. And I’m not talking about a 30 minute meditation. I know everyone is busy and you might be new to it. I recommend a five minute guided morning meditation. I have compiled a list of 100 morning meditations that is part of the online community as well.


Writing a few sentences or paragraphs really will improve your writing skills and also vitalises your mind and helps you to wake up.

A good breakfast

And of course having a good breakfast can be great! If you are not doing breakfast due to a fast that is also ok.

In the end it is all up to you to decide what you want to include in your morning routine. But when you work from home, having a routine is key for productivity and moving your business forward.

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