How To Find Your Supportive Tribe
You know that feeling when you’re starting out in a new industry or business and you feel like the whole world is against you? You have all these questions about what you should do, where to go for advice, how to manage your time, etc. and you simply can’t find anyone who can help you with that.
The thing is, there are so many amazing resources out there – both online and offline – that can help you on your way. So why don’t you start using them? I think that when you’re starting out in a new industry or business, you can really get overwhelmed with all the information available. It’s almost impossible to keep track of everything you need to know, let alone decide which business decisions are the best for you. And often we waste money and time before we actually achieve what we set out to and what we want.
You’re going to make decisions, face risks and an experienced Coach and supportive network can really make the difference – someone who will hold your hand and guide you every step of the way. In the end, we all go through similar, if not the same, challenges and can all learn from each other. But how do you find the best and most supportive Tribe for you?
Here are a few tips:
- First the obvious: Find a network that speaks a language that you also speak and understand. There is no point joining an English network if you don’t feel confident in English.
- Decide whether you want a community online or in person – or maybe a hybrid?
- Find a network in your time zone, so it fits your schedule.
- Try to find out at what stage of business the network members are.
- Check out how helpful the other members are.
- Discover the founder of the community and see whether you are the right fit.
- Make sure you check out the guidelines – and if there are any. If not, maybe it is not the right none to join.
- What is the network expecting from you and can you keep up with it?
- What other benefits might the network give you.
- Is the network a safe environment?
- And finally: Does it cost you money to join and is this worth doing so?
Check out my Tribe and see if it is the right Tribe to join for you. It would be great to meet you there!