People Leadership – What Is It And How To Develop It? – Part 3
If you haven’t read the first two parts of People Leadership, go back to the previous blog posts. Here is part 3 for you.
Appreciation has an enormous influence on our personal lives and therefore affects our wellbeing. But it is precisely this appreciation that can come up short when confronted with the turbulence of everyday working life. People who are highly motivated often do things like work from home, even if it means they have to drive long distances. Perceived feelings of being needed and thus of being valuable are crucial. This helps to create a great team spirit and helps people to feel more important for their work.
Personal Strengths
Do you know the personal strengths of each team-member? You can delegate tasks much easier when you know who is good at which. Team members who focus on their strengths, rather than their weaknesses, are more effective in their roles, and work better in where people care about each other.
Self-organised teams
A self-organised team works well without a team leader. In most cases they are self-supporting. They have a for their jobs, their own , and their projects. The group decides how tasks are to be completed and how is to be organised. A self-organised team acts in a self-determined manner when arise and finds solutions independently. They develop their of through innovation.
Rituals provide structure and orientation and are a strong framework for teams. They increase the team spirit and ensure the team members feel more connected to each other.
Effectiveness and efficiency
Effectiveness when leading is as important as efficiency. Let’s take a look at both.
According to the Oxford Dictionary Effectiveness is defined as follows: ‘the fact of producing the result that is wanted or intended; the fact of producing a successful result’
To be an effective leader you have to know what is intended. This is why we have looked into your business values as well as the vision. As mentioned before, clarity is crucial to ensure that not only you are effective but also the other members of the team, so you are all feeding into a clearly defined vision. And again, to be able to feed into that vision, clear goals are needed. Balancing the work and life needs of each team member and looking after your and your team’s well-being will support you to create a motivational environment.
Efficiency on the other hand is, according to the Oxford Dictionary:
‘The quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money’
To be efficient you can use a lot of tools and support. Some of those tools are mentioned below, where we talk about productivity tools.
For certain, being flexible and open minded always helps to improve one’s efficiency. This also includes reviewing processes on a regular basis and adapting when necessary. The same with taking in feedback, evaluating it and making changes accordingly.
As a leader make sure you are delegating wisely. This means when delegating, you not only give away a task with clearly defined guidelines but also delegate the responsibility and authority. Make sure your team members understand what can be decided without you and what not.
Productivity tools
What is right for each of your team members?
There is no right or wrong way of doing things. Everyone is different and everyone has one’s preferred way of working. So, before your team even starts looking into the different productivity tools that they can use to be more productive, they need to know what works for them in general.
If you would like to explore all of these points further, you can take a look at the book ‘The 3 pillars of leadership’ here.